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Launching a new food product is always a challenge. Even established private labels face the need to stand out among heavy competition and win over a substantial customer base. While product quality might keep customers coming back to buy more, it’s often packaging that piques initial interest. But coming up with private label packaging design is anything but simple. Several mistakes along the way can lead to failing to connect with consumers, resulting in products remaining on shelves. Avoiding mistakes is crucial to creating effective packaging that entices and sells.

Using the Wrong Materials

First and foremost, private label companies need to choose the best-suited materials for their products. Selecting the wrong substrates impacts product quality, as goods are more susceptible to spoiling prematurely. Considerations for frozen food packaging in particular must be factored into material selection since frozen foods risk degradation due to temperature and moisture. Choosing materials that protect against moisture, water, light, dust, and other contaminants is a must.

Overlooking Sustainability

Many consumers are thinking about environmental impact when choosing the products they plan to buy. New surveys have shown that 71% of consumers select products based on sustainability. Disregarding sustainable packaging options could potentially alienate large swaths of conscious consumers and prevent them from becoming loyal customers. Sustainable materials like paperboard are not only cost-effective and well-suited for private label box packaging, but they are often made from recycled materials and can be recycled upon discardment.

Trying to Appeal to Everyone

Every company wants to obtain as many customers as possible. Sometimes this leads to companies attempting to create packaging that tries to appeal to the masses. Instead, private labels should take the time to identify their ideal customer. Think about their shopping habits, motivations for buying products, and other critical factors. Then, use these findings as a guide to design packaging.

Going Overboard on Product Features

Introducing a new product can be tricky. On one hand, packaging needs to include key product features that differentiate this product from others on the market. On the other, too much information overloads potential customers and could detract them from buying. Incorporate the most valuable or unique features on prime packaging real estate like the front box panel.

Overemphasizing Call-Outs

Say you have a new line of dairy- and gluten-free frozen desserts. This product is likely being marketed to customers with dietary restrictions, so it’s important to designate these features so customers know this product meets their needs. However, this product’s packaging should also include short descriptors that tell customers what they can expect when they consume the product. If a product only calls out key features but doesn’t use phrasing that describes taste, aromas, or other experiences that come with the product, customers might not be as enticed to buy.